Used Trennjaeger Model PMC 8-L Cold Saw

Approx. Specifications (subject to verification):

Blade Diameter: 660 mm 
Max. Traverse of the Blade: 1000 mm 
Round Bar Capacity: 170 mm 
Sheet Capacity: 120 x 1000 mm 
I Capacity: 600 x 220 mm 
U Capacity: 400 x 110 mm 
Capacity @ 45 degree in U: 400 x 110 mm 
Capacity @ 45 in I: 600 x 220 mm 
Capacity @ 45 in the Sheet: 120 x 450 mm 
Band Saw Speeds: 6 
Cutting Speed: 16 to 44 m/mn 

Can be seen “under power” in Customer’s Shop!

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